Become a Registered Breeder
If you meet the below criteria, and would like to be considered for registered breeder status, please email us with the following info:
- The date you joined the club (must be at least 12 months ago).
- A list of the shows at which you have exhibited animals bred under your prefix in the past 12 months (must be at least 3).
- A list of the NFRS workshops you have attended in the past 12 months (must be at least 1).
- A current registered breeder or committee member who knows you and your setup and can vouch for you.
- The details you want listed on the register if you are approved (your rodentry name; whether you breed rats and/or mice; any contact info you want listed; website and/or Facebook page).
The registered breeders list is reviewed each year at the AGM. If any registered breeder has not; renewed membership, exhibited at least 3 NFRS shows, and attended at least 1 NFRS workshop; then their registered breeder status will be forfeit.
As a registered breeder, you will need to assist occasionally at shows with stewarding, judging, canteen, and cleaning up. A roster will be announced at the start of each year.